The story of how we got started

The timeline of the upcoming features and updates of the Ozone Chain network and products.


Q3 2022
  • Conception of a Quantum Resistant Blockchain
  • Team building with Quantum Scientists and Blockchain Engineers
Q4 2022
  • R&D on EVM based Blockchain and its vulnerabilities
  • R&D on Quantum Random Number Generators (QRNG)
  • Development of a prototype for a EVM Blockchain
  • Integration with QRNG
  • Publish Quantum Security code to Github


Q1 2023
  • Development and testing of QRNG and its Entropy
  • Prototype for Ozone Chain Testnet (without Quantum Security)
  • R&D to Integrate QRNG with Ozone Chain Testnet
  • R&D to create Quantum Tunnels
Q2 2023
  • Launch of Ozone Chain Testnet
  • Release of Ozone Chain Whitepaper
  • Release of Ozone Chain documentation
  • Initiating Fund Raising
  • Launching Block Explorer for Ozone Chain Testnet
Q3 2023
  • Security audit of Ozone Chain
  • Launch of Ozone Chain Mainnet
  • Launch of Ozone Scan (Block Explorer)
  • Minting OZO Coins
  • Infrastructure setup for Ozone Chain Network
Q4 2023
  • Developer documentation
  • Deployment of D-Apps
  • Creation of an D-App ecosystem
  • Exchange Listings


Q1 2024
  • Onboarding Defi Projects
  • Integrate with Cross-Chain and Multi-Chain
  • Hardening with more Quantum R&D
Q2 2024
  • Implementing Layer-2 Scaling solutions
  • Integrating QR Frameworks
  • Collaboration with Research Institutes
  • Investigation of ZKPs
  • Implementation of tools and libraries
Q3 2024
  • Integration of Hardware security modules (HSM)
  • Exploring new post quantum signature schemes
  • Increasing quantum resistant network communication protocols
Q4 2024
  • Announcing a Bug Bounty program
  • Governance system with Ozone DAO
  • Creating a community for Validators
  • Auction of Ozone Chain Nodes
  • Setup Quantum Tunnels between the Nodes


Q1 2025
  • Integration of Hardware security modules (HSM)
  • Exploring new post quantum signature schemes
  • Increasing quantum resistant network communication protocols
Q2 2025
  • Building quantum secure multi-chain architecture
  • Quantum Resistant Decentralized storage
  • Quantum Resistant Sidechains & Off-Chain computing